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We ask that all parents support our uniform policy – we believe that a uniform looks smart and adds to the children’s sense of identity and belonging to the school. It also helps children to be easily identifiable when on school trips!


As the cost of living continues to rise, we have reviewed our uniform policy to ensure it is affordable for families. As such, none of our uniform has a logo, although sweatshirts and cardigans with logos on are available to buy should you wish to.


All uniform items can be easily bought from supermarkets or high street shops.


Our uniform is comprised of: 

· Purple sweatshirt or cardigan. If you wish to buy a sweatshirt or cardigan with the Tidemill logo on, please see the link below to School Uniform Scotland.

· Grey Polo shirt 

· Dark grey trousers/skirt /summer dress/ pinafore/shorts 

· Black shoes (must be plain black) – no open toed sandals, backless shoes or high heels.


All items for our PE can be purchased from high street shops/supermarkets:

· Shorts (purple, blue or black)

· White t-shirt

· Sensible trainers or plimsolls

· Tracksuit, optional (winter months) 


If you would like your child to wear a sweatshirt or cardigan with a Tidemill logo on, they can be purchased online at They will be delivered to your home address or to school. Orders should take between five to ten days, but delays can occur at the busiest times of year, September is a particularly busy time.


If you wish to order a Tidemill sweatshirt/cardigan from your Free School Meal Grant, please contact the office as this cannot be done through the Uniform Scotland website.


Iron on Badges

If you would like to purchase plain purple sweatshirts and grey polo shirts from high street stores, you can buy iron on Tidemill badges from us for £2. These iron-on logos are easy to apply, look really smart and are very cost effective. These are available from the school office. Payment must be made via Parentpay.


To help further reduce costs, we have pre-loved uniform available for parents to take in the Treehouse. You can access this before and after school every day. If anyone has any good quality, pre-loved uniform that is no longer needed then please put it into the donations box in the Treehouse.



Please ensure all items of clothing are clearly labelled with your child’s name – including sweatshirts, cardigans, coats, hats, gloves and scarves. We recommend purchasing iron-in labels rather than using pen that washes off quickly. Should your child lose an item of clothing which has not been labelled, please check the lost property chests by the back gate next to the Tree House.



Jewellery is not permitted. It can easily be lost and can be dangerous if it catches on something. This includes necklaces, bracelets, rings and hoop earrings. Your child may, however, wear small plain studs if they have pierced ears, and a flat, simple analogue or digital watch.  Smart watches of any description are not permitted. 

Uniform Policy

