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At Tidemill, we recognise that the use of technology is essential for our pupils and we are passionate about empowering children to become confident, global citizens who use the internet safely and responsibly. This goal can only be achieved when parents work alongside the school as partners in developing e-safety.



E-safety is a key part of the Computing curriculum where pupils are taught what internet use is acceptable, and what is not, and given clear objectives for internet use. Children are made aware of the dangers and risks of using the internet and mobile technologies throughout the school year. This includes learning about issues during Safer School Week and Safer Internet Day.


Please see our Digital and Online Safety Policy for more information. 


Digital Leaders

Digital leaders are appointed in Year 5 and Year 6 and they take increased responsibility for teaching others about

e-safety (e.g. Inspire workshops and assemblies). Digital leaders regularly share e-safety scenarios with classes so that they can be discussed, giving pupils increased confidence in knowing what to do if they are faced with a negative situation on the internet.


Family Support

As a parent, it is vital that you are aware of what your child is using the internet for and that you are informed about how to ensure they are safe online. Open and ongoing communication about technology will ensure that children are kept safe and are free to enjoy the internet responsibly. Setting up parent controls and helping your child stay safe online are addressed at parents’ meetings, workshops and newsletters. There are many things you can do to keep your child safe online. As an absolute minimum, we recommend:

  • Ensuring your child has ‘safe adults’ they are willing to talk to if they are feeling unsure, frightened or upset about something they have seen. This could be a parent, teacher or an agency like CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection Command) or Childline.
  • Children should not have access to their devices at bedtime/overnight.
  • Parents should have access to all of their child’s online accounts and know all passwords. Parents should routinely review children’s internet accounts to ensure that they are not placing themselves at risk or being exploited by way of their activities online.

Remember that internet connection is included within smartphones, tablets, laptops and games consoles, not just computers, so the same precautions should be taken with them.


Tidemill also recommend that parents have a look at the websites and guides below for more help and advice on keeping children safe online. Please note the age restrictions on apps below. They are not suitable for primary-aged children but are there for your information.



Internet Matters

Parent Info



NSPCC (National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children)

CEOP (Child Exploitation and  Online Protection Command): for advice about making a report about online abuse

UK Safer Internet Centre: to report and remove harmful online content

Let's Talk About It

Learning Disabilities, Autism and Internet Safety: A Guide for Parents

Omegle Guide


