At Tidemill, we recognise the value and importance of computing in preparing children to participate and succeed in a rapidly changing world. Our vision is to equip all members of our community with the skills and attitudes needed to succeed in the 21st century. We intend to build confidence in computing through the development of problem-solving skills, which promote initiative and enable independent learning. With a focus on digital literacy, we aim for children to be able to make informed decisions about the use of technology at home and school - both now and in the future.
Tidemill has a whole school, cross-curricular approach to computing, with discrete lessons taught each half term. Through the three strands of computing (digital literacy, information technology and computer science), children use computational thinking skills to create, analyse, find, explore and communicate responsibly and collaboratively. Furthermore, children are encouraged to make connections between each of these stands. Throughout each unit, the children are taught new vocabulary to enable a deep understanding of terminology and concepts. Across the school, children use a wide range of technology to practise and apply their computing skills creatively in meaningful contexts. This curriculum enables children to become attentive and responsible digital citizens who demonstrate healthy and safe attitudes in school and at home.
Computing is embedded across the curriculum and lessons are meaningfully linked to our topics. Teachers are responsible for planning computing lessons from the outcomes stated in the national curriculum guided by a long-term plan. This ensures continuity and progression of skills and knowledge both within the year group and across the school. The Switched On scheme is also used to support the planning and delivery of the curriculum. Teachers assess against the national curriculum outcomes each half term and there are regular opportunities for pupils to revisit taught skills. As well as planned computing sessions, digital literacy is an important part of our ethos at Tidemill and is incorporated into PSHE sessions, assemblies and regular e-safety challenges set by digital leaders for all year groups.