Art is a subject that enables all children to excel and express themselves in an almost limitless capacity; it embodies some of the highest forms of creativity. Tidemill’s Art curriculum aims to engage, inspire and challenge all pupils, equipping them with the skills and knowledge to experiment, invent and create their own works of art. As children move through the school, we intend for children to be able to think critically and develop a deeper understanding of art. We scaffold children’s knowledge of how art reflects and shapes our history and contributes to the culture we live in today, developing their own personal cultural capital.
At Tidemill Academy, we believe that all children need the opportunity to experience as many rich and diverse opportunities as possible and our art provision does just this. We employ an Art Teacher who is a practising artist. Throughout lessons, children are encouraged to produce creative work and explore their ideas as well as recording them in their art journals. From KS1, all pupils have an Art skills journal which provides a valuable snapshot of each pupil’s journey in Art at Tidemill. Pupils learn about a wide range of great artists, and they understand the historical and cultural developments of different art forms.
Tidemill is lucky to exist in an area that is rich in Art, close to many art hubs which we regularly work with: Goldsmiths, University of London; and the Albany, Deptford. Tidemill is proactive about accessing the range of opportunities the local area offers and pupils regularly work with different artists and organisations, meaning many pupils have had their work exhibited publically. We offer a number of after school Art clubs which are popular with pupils and give them a further opportunity to show their creativity and enthusiasm towards the subject.
Art at Tidemill Academy follows the National Ccurriculum. In KS1, children are taught about different materials and develop skills accordingly. They learn about colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space and begin to develop their ideas and expression in art. In KS2, these techniques are progressively built upon and developed in terms of control, use of materials, exploration of creativity, experimentation and an increasing awareness of different types of art. Therefore, children at Tidemill become proficient in drawing, painting, printing and other art techniques while also learning how to evaluate and analyse creative works using art specific vocabulary.