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Chair’s Welcome

Welcome to Tidemill Academy’s website. Our aim as governors is to work with the leadership team of the school to make Tidemill a great place to learn and work.  I am delighted that our governors, all volunteers, bring a diverse range of experience, and their enthusiasm, to the board. As a Local Governing Body, we elected to join REAch2, a primary academy Trust.  Local governors are accountable to the Trust Board (which in turn is accountable to the Department for Education). This model ensures that local governance is still able to be very responsive to local community needs, maintaining its individuality, while also having a far-reaching network through which we can share and develop expertise. 

We are proud of what we have achieved, including expansion of our buildings to provide more learning spaces for our pupils. The Tidemill Academy Local Governing Body value feedback from parents/carers and the local community. Please feel free to contact me via the Headteacher or speak with us when you see us at Tidemill.


Daniele De Santis

Chair of Governors

Local Governing Body

The role of the Local Governing Body is an important one. Governors hold the school to account and meet each half-term through Local Governing Body meetings. The governors have a wide range of responsibilities including:

  • Implementing and reviewing the strategic plan for the academy
  • Acting as a critical friend to the leadership team, being ready to challenge and hold senior leaders to account
  • Overseeing the management of the finances of the academy
  • Supporting the Headteacher in the development and review of an appropriate staff structure
  • Oversight of policies and major decisions concerning the general direction of the academy
  • Visiting the school regularly to monitor, audit and get to know the school community. Some governors have responsibility for a specific area such as safeguarding, special educational needs or a school subject.

Meet the Governors

Please see below for the complete list of our current governors with their positions of responsibility, terms of office and details of any business interests that could present a conflict of interest or any connections to other interested parties. Governor attendance at meetings for the previous academic year is also below.

REAch2 Trustees and the Cluster Board

For information about the REAch2 Trustees, please click here to go to the governance page of the REAch2 website. This includes details of how the Trust is organised, who the Trustees are, the Articles of Association, the Master Funding Agreement, and the Register of Interest for the Trustees and Accounting Officer. Please click here for more governance and finance information.

