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At Tidemill, we are committed to developing the whole child. Through PSHE, we intend to develop all children’s understanding of their rights and responsibilities, of British values, such as tolerance and democracy, and of healthy lifestyles and relationships. We aim to provide children with the knowledge and skills to identify and manage feelings, emotions, and risk and to make informed personal choices in a rapidly changing and challenging world. We nurture children’s individuality and develop their social and personal skills to enable them to build positive relationships based on respect and tolerance within school and the wider community. 



The curriculum is delivered through the following three core themes: Health and Well-being, Relationships and Living the Wider World.  These themes are taught through carefully sequenced units that allow pupils to embed new knowledge so that it can be confidently used in real life situations. The themes also facilitate the revisiting, reinforcing and extending of prior learning so that knowledge, skills, related vocabulary and attributes are developed year upon year.  All subject content is delivered in an age appropriate and developmentally appropriate way, taking into consideration pupils’ increasing independence and physical social awareness as they move through the school.


These themes are further embedded during assemblies, workshops or regular responsive circle time. In addition, there are several cross-curricular and whole school events that raise the profile of PSHE themes: Safer School Week in the Autumn Term to discuss bullying; Children’s Mental Health Week in the Spring Term; and Healthy Schools Week in the Summer Term with the PE and DT teams. Aspects of PSHE and citizenship are regularly taught in cross-curricular contexts, such as E-safety, as well as through circle time in response to individual classes needs.


Classroom charters are co-created by pupils and teachers at the beginning of each school year. This class charter forms the basis of PSHE teaching and classroom management, with an emphasis on respecting the rights of others. Activities, discussions around these themes and learning outcomes are presented in class PSHE books.


PSHE is a core part of the offer at Tidemill and discrete lessons are taught regularly. The PSHE curriculum comprehensively covers the statutory guidance outlining the content of the ‘Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education’. In addition, it includes non-statutory aspects of the PSHE curriculum such as economic well-being, careers and enterprise education and personal safety, including assessing and managing risk.


Children will be taught about the concept of mental wellbeing and how to take care of themselves and receive support if mental health issues arise. They will understand the key building blocks of respectful relationships that focus on family and friends in all contexts, including online.


Each half term all year groups have a different focus including bullying, family, relationships, coping with change, understanding what makes a good learner and mental health. Each theme is differentiated by age group to enable clear progression across the school.

