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Physical Education


At Tidemill, we intend to offer an array of opportunities in PE that aim to develop physical and social skills. We aim for children to experience physical education in a safe and supportive environment, which is vital in contributing to a child’s physical development, well-being and health and fitness. We value our children’s progress and provide them with opportunities in an inclusive, engaging environment that is intended to develop pupils’ self-confidence. We also aim to use our Tidemill skills and attitudes to help develop every child and promote fair play and be a positive competitor.



PE is a core part of the offer at Tidemill and the collaborative effort of staff has ensured that our school has a strong PE culture.  As well as classroom-based staff, we have a team that contribute towards our aims including a PE teacher, Sports Coach and after school club Sports Leaders.  We have a strong history of inclusion and engagement in sport which is recognised by our achievement of the Platinum School Games Mark. We integrate the teaching of PE across the whole school through our regular use of Teach Active, a program for which we are an Ambassador School.


Alongside PE lessons, there are many additional opportunities across the school for children to become involved. Tidemill participate in school sport competitions which involve exciting opportunities both in school and in our community. Inter-school tournaments provide pupils who are passionate about particular sports with the opportunity to train and improve their skills further, and represent our school proudly, helping to develop sporting, personal and social skills and attitudes. Our range of after school clubs, offered by our own staff as well as outside agencies, includes a variety of sports: gymnastics, dance, football and golf. We also have a number of sporting activities available at lunchtimes. Many of our families have joined us at professional sporting events, such as FA games at Wembley and BBL basketball finals, that we have been lucky to be given tickets for. 


Within PE lessons, pupils develop and showcase their skills in a wide range of sports including athletics, dance, football, cricket, gymnastics and swimming. Through the teaching of progressively challenging skills, taken from the national curriculum, it is intended that pupils, irrespective of their ability, will enjoy success and be motivated further to develop their individual potential. In EYFS and Key Stage 1, children begin with a focus on fundamental skill development, which broadens as children progress through Key Stage 2. Explicit teaching of key vocabulary enables children to articulate their learning journey, and relate skills learnt in EYFS and KS1 to the sports and activities they learn in KS2. Children are involved in team games from an early age, which helps to further develop our Tidemill skills and attitudes of team work, resilience and determination. Pupils are given the opportunity to evaluate their performance to enable them to improve and enjoy success. At the conclusion of each half term, all pupils participate in intra-school competitions within their year group. These competitions are a fun and exciting end to the term that pupils and teachers all enjoy participating in.

